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About Us - Pinellas Compounding Pharmacy

About Us

Company Background:

Pinellas Compounding Pharmacy is owned and managed by a Florida Registered Pharmacist, Hoi-Ling “Jackson” Sah.  We are a member of the Professional Compounding Center of America, International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists, National Council for Prescription Drug Programs, and Florida Pharmacy Association.  Jackson is an alumnus of the Ohio State University College of Pharmacy.  He has received extensive post-graduate training in various compounding techniques.  We have a network of consultant pharmacists standing by and ready to solve any challenge we face and bringing positive results to all of our patients.

Michael Barzaga
(Pharmacy Technician)

Gregory Stanek

Paul Leonardo
(Pharmacy Technician)

Jackson Sah
(Owner- Pharmacist)

Company Mission:

The mission of Pinellas Compounding Pharmacy is to achieve positive therapeutic outcomes for patients with unique medication needs through the provision of customized medications, which have been specifically formulated and prepared for them by compounding pharmacists.

This is accomplished through the identification of and solution to problems which are associated with the provision of mediation therapy.  By satisfying the needs of the physicians, other healthcare professionals and caregivers through the preparation and provision of specialized medications, Pinellas Compounding Pharmacy is able to provide optimum pharmaceutical care, which is defined as the responsible provision of drug therapy to achieve outcomes to improve the patient’s quality of life.

We do not endorse any claim, product, or service provided by the links below.

They are strictly for informational purpose only.